Get More Done in a Day Than Most People Do in a Week
How to be productive in micro-moments without planning, cramming, or scheduling.
Whether you want to start a new business, learn a new skill, or write your first novel, the biggest hurdle is finding time to do the work.
This book will show you how to find and capture lost time to do the work you always wanted
You have many moments throughout your day, where you are stuck waiting. Whether you wait for 20 seconds or 20 minutes, this book will uncover a new way to use micro-productivity to get more done now, so you have time to do nothing later.
You don't have to burn yourself out to start a new business
You can be both productive and efficient, simultaneously. "How to Steal Time" will show you how to uncover the lost moments in your daily life, use those moments to do your work that matters most (start a new business and improve your quality of life), and then have time to be present with the people most-important to you. If you want to start something new, but you don't want to sacrifice your personal time to develop your new business, this is the book for you.
If you want to get more done in less time, without trying to fit more tasks in your already-busy schedule--this book is for you.
This is as close as you can get to having more than 24 hrs. per day
Time is the great equalizer. We all have 24 hours. Everything you do also requires a payment of time. What if you could prevent some of those moments from leaking though your fingers? What if there was a way to use the time you already have to get more done, so you can enjoy the few moments you spend with others? This book is that solution.
Inside you'll discover:
*77 places to uncover lost moments for micro-productivity
*How to schedule your calendar from the inside-out to have more time for yourself
*How to work in the best environment for your brain, so you get more done in less time
*How to get things done without taking another valuable moment from your day
*How to organize your micro-tasks for maximum efficiency
*The perfect to-do list
*More than 30 types of tasks you can complete during micro-productive moments
*Why multi-tasking is terrible for your productivity
*Why a lack of sleep could hurt you and your productivity
How to slow down and appreciate the present
*How to purge your current schedule to make room for the work that matters
A new way to build a work schedule, so you have more time for what's important
*A typical day in the life of a time-thief, with tips for determining the quality of a task
This book will give you back the one thing you cannot replace--your time.
Whether you want to start a new career, launch a business, or just learn more about a new hobby, time is always a struggle. In this over-clocked and hyper-connected world most people have little spare time to develop the work of their dreams (the work that matters most). Inside you will discover how to find the time.
About the Author:
J D Yoder is an author, recovering neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and investor. He takes his passion for all things physical and psychological and crafts books to help build a better you.
As a life-long student of the mind, J D take you on his journey as he studies different 'hacks' to help you grow and become a better person- inside and out. J D uses himself as a 'lab' to test the latest (and some of the oldest) theories and practices for improving the mind, body, and soul. J D is the author of the international bestseller Simple-Live Life Minimal (as well as many other books).
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Uncover the one time-management technique that could change your life forever. Click the 'buy' button at the top of your screen. Start reading this book immediately on your electronic device.