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    How to understand a publishing contract: Points of vigilance and traps to avoid for authors (Tools for Authors Book 1) (English Edition)

    Por Cristina Rebière


    Tools for Authors: How to understand a publishing contract

    • You just finished writing your novel, your essay, your memoirs. Or anything good.

    • You are so euphoric because a publishing house wants your text?

    • It vows to "take care of all" :-)

    • You will be able to - AT LAST - take a rest and harvest the fruits of your hard work.

    • Champagne! You deserve to celebrate...

    • You only have to sign the papers, below, on the right hand. Easy!

    • ...But STOP!!!

    ATTENTION. A publishing or editing contract is a very special literature that binds you in time and space... and your author's dream can quickly turn into nightmare if you do not detect in due time possible traps!

    • Do you think that a contract is unreadable for the man in the street?

    • Do you run to the next lawyer to "digest" it and "translate" it in common english?

    Think again, it is perfectly possible to understand a contract, to reduce costs and potential risks during the execution of a contract, by understanding the points of vigilance of a publishing contract.

    Who are we?

    We are authors and have published dozens of ebooks. Having both a higher education in law school, our experience has led us to deal with many contractual documents. Olivier had to draft, negotiate, review and implement many contracts: drug trials, cultural institutions abroad, commercial companies. Professor in higher education, he practices daily "legal education". Cristina was director of a publishing house and knows the constraints of this often difficult world and also did a lot of legal work.

    So we know the problem "from both sides of the fence" and would like you to understand that it is quite possible and realistic to hold together an effective partnership with your publishing house.

    So, for a cordial and profitable cooperation with the publishing house, we want to share this useful information, from our experience, with you :-)

    What will you find in this practical eguide "How to understand a publishing contract"?

    • 23 sections organized in 6 parts

    • What is a contract?

    • Publishing contracts

    • Others points of vigilance

    • Negotiations or talks

    • Execution of a publishing contract

    • Ending a publishing contract

    • 120+ pages of useful info

    • advice and examples to understand

    Do not be afraid of publishing contracts anymore, decrypt them and develop a cordial and profitable collaboration with your publishing house!
    Are you ready?

    Kind regards,

    Cristina & Olivier Rebiere
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