This short article could have been titled "Injection Therapy" because it briefly describes
three litte known therapies that, while different, each involve the use of similar
Sclerotherapy (also called Proliferative Therapy, or Prolo Therapy, or Reconstructive Therapy)
involves healing lax or torn ligaments and tendons.
Intraneural Therapy involves correcting shorted out nerve tissues of the C fibers, those
nerves usually lying closest to the skin.
Neural Therapy involves spotting and releasing encysted energy patterns that
contribute to one disease or another.
All of these "Injection Therapies" have a vital place in achieving wellness; and
all require experience and proper training to perform effectively.
5,288 words
three litte known therapies that, while different, each involve the use of similar
Sclerotherapy (also called Proliferative Therapy, or Prolo Therapy, or Reconstructive Therapy)
involves healing lax or torn ligaments and tendons.
Intraneural Therapy involves correcting shorted out nerve tissues of the C fibers, those
nerves usually lying closest to the skin.
Neural Therapy involves spotting and releasing encysted energy patterns that
contribute to one disease or another.
All of these "Injection Therapies" have a vital place in achieving wellness; and
all require experience and proper training to perform effectively.
5,288 words