This book is the second of a set of books that will help you to pass all levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
The book contains the 165 kanji necessary to pass Level N4 of the JLPT. Each kanji is displayed in a large handwriting font and contains its readings. The Chinese readings (on'yomi) are written in uppercase and the Japanese readings (kun'yomi) in lowercase letters. The strokes are labeled in order by small numbers, located at the beginning of each stroke to show you how the kanji is to be written. The arrow following the number 1 shows you the writing direction. By clicking the icon you will be redirected to the detail page of the specific character at where you can find further details about it. You need a wireless connection for that.
The first book of the set is Japanese Language Proficiency Test Kanji Book Level N5 - JLPT N5 ASIN B004X6U2GY. Type this number in the Amazon search to find it. The first book contains 120 kanji. About 15 of those kanji are included in some JLPT N5 lists.
The book contains the 165 kanji necessary to pass Level N4 of the JLPT. Each kanji is displayed in a large handwriting font and contains its readings. The Chinese readings (on'yomi) are written in uppercase and the Japanese readings (kun'yomi) in lowercase letters. The strokes are labeled in order by small numbers, located at the beginning of each stroke to show you how the kanji is to be written. The arrow following the number 1 shows you the writing direction. By clicking the icon you will be redirected to the detail page of the specific character at where you can find further details about it. You need a wireless connection for that.
The first book of the set is Japanese Language Proficiency Test Kanji Book Level N5 - JLPT N5 ASIN B004X6U2GY. Type this number in the Amazon search to find it. The first book contains 120 kanji. About 15 of those kanji are included in some JLPT N5 lists.