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    Linux: Linux Command Line for Beginner’s – Complete Guide for Linux Operating System and Command Line: Linux for Beginner’s: Linux for Beginner’s (Operating … Programming, Hardware) (English Edition)

    Por Terence Lawfield


    Linux Command Line for Beginner's

    Complete Guide for Linux Operating System and Command Line

    Linux has been around for a long time, although many people have never even heard of it. Despite this, the operating system is found in cars, smartphones, and even household appliances. Yes, Linux is practically all around you in your daily life. It is little wonder that people are becoming increasingly interested in learning how to use this versatile, free, and opensource operating system on their own computers.

    What is Linux?
    While it certainly isn’t an operating system that the public think of, when they think about computers — it is extremely popular. With relatively little exposure in the media, and a group of common misconceptions turning people away from using Linux, it is still regarded as a great operating system.

    If you use a computer already, you are almost certainly using an operating systems. They are basically collections of computer programs that allow you to use your computer. Without one of these, people would have no way to interact with their computers.

    The most commonly used operating systems on home computers are Windows and Mac OS. However, Linux is an operating system that many people choose to use instead.

    Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...

    • What is Linux
    • Why Choose Linux
    • How to Get Started
    • The Linux Desktop
    • Command Line
    • Popular Linux Software
    • System Commands
    • Shortcuts
    • Much, much more!

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