Volume Four of the dramatic saga of the Lorimer FamilyFrom the general strike to the Second World War the Lorimer spirit struggles to survive...On the peaceful Thameside estate of Blaize, Alexa Glanville shares the long years of her widowhood with Matthew Lorimer, the man she loves but can never marry.Meanwhile Kate Lorimer loses her lover and her ideals in the turmoil of Stalin's Russia and her daughter Ilsa becomes a tragic victim of the Second World War.But a new generation of Lorimers is on the way - and all of them are drawn back to Blaize by their love for Alexa, whose indomitable spirit keeps the family alive.Lorimers in Love is the engrossing story of an English family caught up in the great events of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.
Lorimers in love
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