Finding quality medical coding apps in any appstore is challenging!
Medical Coding Apps for Android is written for medical professionals who are considering medical coding software for an Android device. Out of date and non-functional Android apps are rejected, letting you focus on apps that are likely to meet your professional medical coding needs.
Medical Coding Apps for Android also presents a detailed analysis of why Android devices are likely to become the fastest growing market for professional medical software in the next few years. This analysis is useful for any Android developers who are looking for a long term profitable niche to focus their software development efforts.
What is medical coding?
Medical coding is a process that translates what was done while providing a medical service to a set of diagnosis and billing codes to submit to insurance companies. This process is complex, and often requires expertise and resources to accomplish this task accurately. Medical coding software, like the apps covered in this Kindle Book, can simplify this process.
What types of coding apps are covered in this Kindle Book?
- ICD-9
- ICD-10
Who can benefit from this Kindle Book?
- Doctors
- Nurse Practitioners
- Medical coders
- Practice managers