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    Mindful Eating: Get a Better Health with the Mindfulness Eating Diet (English Edition)

    Por Kathleen Hanson


    A Guide To Mindful Eating

    Eating is a natural human reflex. We eat when we are hungry, tired or bored. Although eating comes naturally to us, most of us fall into the trap of mindless eating. This is the reason why many people end up eating too much and suffering from different types of diseases like heart problems and diabetes.

    The process of eating should nourish us but our bad eating habits and poor food choices presented a lot of health problems. This is the reason why many people embrace mindful eating. Mindful eating is eating with intention and attention. It refers to noticing, enjoying and appreciating the moment as you eat your food. It is about enjoying your food and getting nourishment from it.

    Practicing mindful eating can be a challenging task for most people as there are many distractions that will prevent you from eating mindfully. Thus, this book will serve as your guide to mindful eating so that you can enjoy your food even more.

    With this book, you will learn about the following:

    • Learn about the basics of mindful eating in Chapter 1. This chapter will also discuss about the benefits and principles of mindful eating. Moreover, this chapter will also discuss about who can benefit from mindful eating.
    • Chapter 2 will discuss about the mindful eating exercises that you can do to practice mindful eating. This chapter will also discuss about the mindful eating script, tips on how to get started, how to improve your relationship with food and the “Am I Hungry?” principle.
    • Lastly, Chapter 3 will discuss about the art of mindful eating. This chapter will give you specific tips on how to practice mindful eating, how to fight the obstacles that prevent one from mindful eating and the mindful bite technique.

    Let this book serve as your guide so that you can do mindful eating and enjoy your food more. Happy eating!

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