Before the Sentient Being Extension Bill, magical creatures hid their presence from humanity, taking on human shapes to disguise their true nature. But now, all are free to interact!
Frey is one such magical being. As a dragon, she's a giant, fire-breathing red demigoddes. As deadly as she is beautiful, she can use incredible magic, fly as fast as a jet, and possesses a grand horde of treasure! What's more, she can transform herself into a beautiful red-headed human woman, with ravishing curves and a toned body that mirrors her draconic strength.
But Frey has fallen for a human boyfriend, a man that has been afflicted by a devastating curse. He's grown weak over the past month, but only now has Frey taken it upon herself to help cure him. With his time running out, she knows the secret to saving him... but by doing so, she will have to reveal her darkest act.
What has she been keeping from him? Will the love of her life be able to survive the cure to his curse as well as his girlfriend's insatiable libido?
Frey is one such magical being. As a dragon, she's a giant, fire-breathing red demigoddes. As deadly as she is beautiful, she can use incredible magic, fly as fast as a jet, and possesses a grand horde of treasure! What's more, she can transform herself into a beautiful red-headed human woman, with ravishing curves and a toned body that mirrors her draconic strength.
But Frey has fallen for a human boyfriend, a man that has been afflicted by a devastating curse. He's grown weak over the past month, but only now has Frey taken it upon herself to help cure him. With his time running out, she knows the secret to saving him... but by doing so, she will have to reveal her darkest act.
What has she been keeping from him? Will the love of her life be able to survive the cure to his curse as well as his girlfriend's insatiable libido?