Latest update: May 6, 2015
A quick reference list to help you easily find all of Patricia Cornwell’s books. It includes the Kay Scarpetta series, the Andy Brazil/Judy Hammer series, the At Risk/Win Garano series, and all nonfiction novels, children’s books, and omnibus.
What each list includes: The name of the book, the year of publication, and a link to Amazon to help you easily access the book.
This information is available for free on the author’s website: However, this list is convenient in that it places the information on your Kindle, so you don’t need to access the internet. If you have Kindle Unlimited, this list is free.
Other features: This list will be regularly updated when Patricia Cornwell releases a new book. Included are detailed instruction to enable auto updates, and use the highlight function to tick off the books you have read.
Series covered
Kay Scarpetta series
Andy Brazil/Judy Hammer series
At Risk/Win Garano series
Nonfiction novels
Children’s books
Upcoming releases
Copyright Notice: We have ensured that this list is in full compliance with Circular 34 from the United States Copyright Office. Apart from names, titles and short phrases and expressions, no copyrighted material is reproduced.
Thank you
Thank you for purchasing this list. We hope you find it useful and easy to use, and that it helps you discover all of Patricia Cornwell’s books.