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    Pocket Guide To Writing Profit-Boosting Sales Letters (English Edition)

    Por Carol Bentley


    A manager's guide to the secrets behind the stunningly persuasive words millionaire marketers use to turn passive readers into eager and profitable customers!

    Your words can achieve the same magical results successful businesses revel in every day when you apply their closely guarded secrets to your company's sales messages.

    In just 7 steps, this slim, but content-packed, pocket guide reveals some of the powerful techniques millionaire marketers use to craft their compelling, results-generating sales letters...

    STEP 1: Discover Your Most Responsive Market

    STEP 2: Harness Incredible Headline Power

    STEP 3: Make Your Sales Letter Compelling

    STEP 4: The 2 Sacred 'Must-Be-Obeyed' Copywriting Rules

    STEP 5: A Simple Formula for Winning Sales Consistently

    STEP 6: 8 Must-Have Elements for Your Sales-Generating Letters

    STEP 7: How to be Confident of Your Marketing ROI

    The guide also contains advice on how to choose the right professional copywriter for your business.
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