Pretty Girls Can't Write is an anti-self help book for women who desperately want to improve their lives, but are still feeling guilty about their past mistakes. In this refreshingly entertaining book, Author/Screenwriter, Amelia Fergusson, lays out all her own shit on the table, so you don't have too.
In six hilarious chapters, she serves up advice through her own experiences that range from addiction, bad sex and low self-esteem, to the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellies that just need to be cut from your life.
You can delight in her craziness. Some things you may relate too, others you may not, but you can be certain that all problems pass, and you can come through the other side stronger and happier.
Amelia is on a mission to spread the word that it's okay to laugh about your past mistakes, and ensure they don't ruin your future.
Pretty Girls Can't Write will be the funniest read you'll cast your eyes upon this year.