Psychopathia Sexualis is a Public Domain book by Richard von Krafft-Ebing (Aug 14, 1840-Dec 22, 1902) published in 1886.
Richard von Krafft-Ebing classified his profession as psychiatrist just like Sigmund Freud in the same era as Freud. This was before they tried to create standards for mental health by starting a formal mental health organization in 1910. Before then, mental health was a wide open field. Krafft-Ebing like Havelock Ellis wrote about sex in a free-wheeling manner making wide sweeping generalizations that don’t mean much since everyone is a loner stuck in their heads but it’s still interesting to read stories supposedly about real-life people from the eighteenth century about their alleged sex lives.
It was funny to me to see how many claimed they had no sexual desires which should be typical considering it was a repressive era just like nowadays. Nothing has changed. Most people are still repressed and ashamed of sex. Some people enjoy talking about their lusts. It was the era of Oscar Wilde who made a breakthrough in published ideas saying don’t mess with my freedom. I’m free. I can do whatever I want. Nobody has the right to tell me what to do.
I created this book because I saw one for sale as a Kindle ebook for nine dollars. Kobo wants sixteen dollars for it. I found a free one at which has pretty messy so I put the headings in it spaced ten pages apart for easy naviagation.
This book is about Kraft-Ebing talking about 238 cases of people with sex problems and what we would call deviations, fetishes or paraphilias. He even talks about lesbian love in an era before sex was written about in a mass way. That makes it a worthy book along with Havelock Ellis’s Encyclopdia of Sex.
Freud’s Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex and anything else Freud has written is a lie because he puts too much stock in a person’s past and assumes we hide things away in what he called repression when the truth is that I hide nothing away. I know all my sexual fantasies like I suspect most people do but we have no way of knowing what people are really thinking only what they say and if sex is a taboo subject then people lie about it pretending they have very little interest in it.
You can find this book for free online or pay me a few dollars for the headings I put into it.
Where to Find Cool, Old Love-Sex Books
A lot of older sex books and erotic novels are free on the internet, mostly on free ebook websites. is the best for public domain books. You can get something like the Kama Sutra or the great works of literature there. If it’s over a hundred years old, chances are it’s there. has 25,000 copyrighted and public domain books. I like this website the best because I can download books about ten different ways through different formats including text and read it through MS-Word unlike others in limited formats like PDF only., they have lots of free textbooks that you can read online including biology and psychology textbooks that relate to love, sex and romance. has some copyrighted and some public domain books that you can read online but you can’t copy any of the text nor download it. The deal with them is that they’re selling the hard copy version of the book right there beside the online version you’re reading., electronic literature organization, internet archive text archive, probably the biggest., university of texas at austin. list of e-text sites includes links to free and fee-based services., search the complete contents of standard reference books, including bartlett's quotations, columbia gazetteer, world factbook, gray's anatomy, king james bible and many others.
Richard von Krafft-Ebing classified his profession as psychiatrist just like Sigmund Freud in the same era as Freud. This was before they tried to create standards for mental health by starting a formal mental health organization in 1910. Before then, mental health was a wide open field. Krafft-Ebing like Havelock Ellis wrote about sex in a free-wheeling manner making wide sweeping generalizations that don’t mean much since everyone is a loner stuck in their heads but it’s still interesting to read stories supposedly about real-life people from the eighteenth century about their alleged sex lives.
It was funny to me to see how many claimed they had no sexual desires which should be typical considering it was a repressive era just like nowadays. Nothing has changed. Most people are still repressed and ashamed of sex. Some people enjoy talking about their lusts. It was the era of Oscar Wilde who made a breakthrough in published ideas saying don’t mess with my freedom. I’m free. I can do whatever I want. Nobody has the right to tell me what to do.
I created this book because I saw one for sale as a Kindle ebook for nine dollars. Kobo wants sixteen dollars for it. I found a free one at which has pretty messy so I put the headings in it spaced ten pages apart for easy naviagation.
This book is about Kraft-Ebing talking about 238 cases of people with sex problems and what we would call deviations, fetishes or paraphilias. He even talks about lesbian love in an era before sex was written about in a mass way. That makes it a worthy book along with Havelock Ellis’s Encyclopdia of Sex.
Freud’s Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex and anything else Freud has written is a lie because he puts too much stock in a person’s past and assumes we hide things away in what he called repression when the truth is that I hide nothing away. I know all my sexual fantasies like I suspect most people do but we have no way of knowing what people are really thinking only what they say and if sex is a taboo subject then people lie about it pretending they have very little interest in it.
You can find this book for free online or pay me a few dollars for the headings I put into it.
Where to Find Cool, Old Love-Sex Books
A lot of older sex books and erotic novels are free on the internet, mostly on free ebook websites. is the best for public domain books. You can get something like the Kama Sutra or the great works of literature there. If it’s over a hundred years old, chances are it’s there. has 25,000 copyrighted and public domain books. I like this website the best because I can download books about ten different ways through different formats including text and read it through MS-Word unlike others in limited formats like PDF only., they have lots of free textbooks that you can read online including biology and psychology textbooks that relate to love, sex and romance. has some copyrighted and some public domain books that you can read online but you can’t copy any of the text nor download it. The deal with them is that they’re selling the hard copy version of the book right there beside the online version you’re reading., electronic literature organization, internet archive text archive, probably the biggest., university of texas at austin. list of e-text sites includes links to free and fee-based services., search the complete contents of standard reference books, including bartlett's quotations, columbia gazetteer, world factbook, gray's anatomy, king james bible and many others.