Learn how to save hundreds of dollars every month on groceries and household items, travel, clothes, shoes, electronics, haircuts and so much more with easy steps and real-life examples.
This book is useful for any income levels. It is a step-by-step practical guide that can be applied right away to most purchases. Among other things, I will show you websites and apps I love and deals I get on regular bases. Find out how I bought $38 worth of merchandise at Rite Aid for 13 cents, and made money from buying beauty items at Macys. I will show you how to save money on almost any purchase you make.
This book is useful for any income levels. It is a step-by-step practical guide that can be applied right away to most purchases. Among other things, I will show you websites and apps I love and deals I get on regular bases. Find out how I bought $38 worth of merchandise at Rite Aid for 13 cents, and made money from buying beauty items at Macys. I will show you how to save money on almost any purchase you make.