This week the Star Thistle saga continues with the Battle of the North Ridge, when Russell becomes involved with the crystal-seeking Tongs.
We also have our featured story, Benjamin Welton’s Suffocato Clamoribus, a story of mysteries and black metal, and a quest for the legendary last recording of the notorious Count Grima. This followed by Wet Curls but Australian psychologist and horror writer Elizabeth Robyn Stanton. Then there’s the latest installment of The Days of Mr. Thomas by James Rhodes. This is followed by a poem by Marc Carver.
Our serialised novels continue, Daniel’s Dream and Hilltop Manor. Nathan Rowark is this week celebrating the launch of his anthology, Hell Whore. In The First Men In The Moon, our heroes experience their first lunar morning, while in A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, the explorers realise they are now under the Atlantic. And in Songcatcher Geordie McElroy listens to the Dirge of the Moleman.
We also have our featured story, Benjamin Welton’s Suffocato Clamoribus, a story of mysteries and black metal, and a quest for the legendary last recording of the notorious Count Grima. This followed by Wet Curls but Australian psychologist and horror writer Elizabeth Robyn Stanton. Then there’s the latest installment of The Days of Mr. Thomas by James Rhodes. This is followed by a poem by Marc Carver.
Our serialised novels continue, Daniel’s Dream and Hilltop Manor. Nathan Rowark is this week celebrating the launch of his anthology, Hell Whore. In The First Men In The Moon, our heroes experience their first lunar morning, while in A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, the explorers realise they are now under the Atlantic. And in Songcatcher Geordie McElroy listens to the Dirge of the Moleman.