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    Secrets at Silver Pines Inn (English Edition)

    Por Gloria Repp


    A secret room. A secret stash. A secret hope.
    Nick likes secrets and he’s good at figuring out puzzles. He’s sure he’ll find a treasure soon, so Grandfather’s inn can stay open, and . . . maybe he and his family could live there too.

    He discovers a box with historic old Notes and follows its clues to the cipher-symbols on an ancient sampler. He meets a wonderful coonhound who might become his pal. So far, so good! All he has to do now is explore those ruins in the woods with his new friend, Beckly—and dig out the treasure. But things get scary when the clues lead nowhere, and Mom can’t get well, and someone sets fire to a guest cabin.

    Wait! What about the verse he read in one of the Notes: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Trust God? How does that work, anyway? Maybe he’d better find out.
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