John Newton was far, far more than merely the author of the hymn "Amazing Grace!" He was an ex-sea captain, preacher and hymn-writer, but above all he was a shepherd of souls. In Newton's letters we can see the personal, practical, warmth with which he gave counsel to his friends and parishoners. His spiritual advice is just as relevant today as the day he first put pen to paper.
"In few writers are Christian doctrine, experience and practice more happily balanced than in the author of these letters, and few write with more simplicity, piety, and force." C. H. Spurgeon
Selected Letters and Poems of John Newton contains 76 letters and 28 poems from this valuable author. There is an active table of contents, and all Latin and Greek quotations are formatted and translated. .
Well worth reading by ministers, candidates for the ministry, and Christians who struggle with the Christian life. (And who doesn't?)
"In few writers are Christian doctrine, experience and practice more happily balanced than in the author of these letters, and few write with more simplicity, piety, and force." C. H. Spurgeon
Selected Letters and Poems of John Newton contains 76 letters and 28 poems from this valuable author. There is an active table of contents, and all Latin and Greek quotations are formatted and translated. .
Well worth reading by ministers, candidates for the ministry, and Christians who struggle with the Christian life. (And who doesn't?)