This installment of Keep Calm and Brexit On? looks at the major factors contributing to the vote's result, including austerity, cuts to the National Health Service and education, concerns about globalization, and fomented xenophobia. It also looks at politicians' shifting goals and the stories they told on the way to the historic result.
- What Happened? dives into the results and related data from the EU referendum looking to better understand what drove the result.
- Deliberate Austerity examines the effects of deep cuts to UK government spending.
- Unhealthy Choice looks at the problems fostered by cuts to the NHS.
- We Don’t Need No Education? covers the challenges Brexit creates for the UK's vaunted education system.
- The End of Globalization? looks at attitudes toward the free movement of people and its presumed effects on employment.
- Creeping Xenophobia takes a close look at growing anti-immigrant sentiment in the UK.
- In the Widening Gyre it's a real mess.
- Cutting Off Their Noses a self-injurious mess.
- Do Not Go Gentle asks Britons to band together and demand a future that's better than the one that's currently on offer.