The "Shoulder Exercise Assessment and Technique" is an edited transcript with pictures and charts of a presentation delivered at the International Weight-Training Injury Symposium by Dr. Ken Kinakin, Founder of the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists, SWIS.
This book reviews basic principles on program design, training objectives, subjective testing and objective assessment of the shoulder and body systems.
It also reviews how to assess the shoulder quickly and easily to determine if there is any dysfunctions in the shoulder that could potentially cause an injury.
Various range of motion and muscle testing for the shoulder and rotator cuff are demonstrated.
Finally it reviews various shoulder exercises and some helpful tips for increased gains.
The bonus section of the seminar was a review of the overtraining syndrome and how to subjectively and objectively test to see whether you are in an overtrained state. Overtraining assessment forms that are discussed are included in the appendix section. The seminar concludes with a question and answer period.
Table of Contents
Purpose Behind Training
Strength Training Algorithm
Dr. Ken’s Points to Consider
Client’s Objectives
Qualitative Fitness Index
Physique Physical
Exercise Modification System
Visual Assessment
Shoulder Range of Motion
Muscle Testing
Exercise Technique
Lateral Dumbbell Raise:Testing for Lateral Deltoid Position
Shoulder Press: Barbell or Dumbbell
Head Position Affecting Strength when doing Dumbbell Shrugs and Laterals
Seated Front Barbell Press
Overtraining Syndrome
Two Step Overstress Removal Process
Postural Hypotension Test
Other Causes of Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain with Barbell Bench Press
Barbell Bench Press T4 Syndrome
Exercise Benches and Machines
Getting in and out of Dumbbell Bench Press
Loading Plates
Chest Dips
Question and Answer
This book reviews basic principles on program design, training objectives, subjective testing and objective assessment of the shoulder and body systems.
It also reviews how to assess the shoulder quickly and easily to determine if there is any dysfunctions in the shoulder that could potentially cause an injury.
Various range of motion and muscle testing for the shoulder and rotator cuff are demonstrated.
Finally it reviews various shoulder exercises and some helpful tips for increased gains.
The bonus section of the seminar was a review of the overtraining syndrome and how to subjectively and objectively test to see whether you are in an overtrained state. Overtraining assessment forms that are discussed are included in the appendix section. The seminar concludes with a question and answer period.
Table of Contents
Purpose Behind Training
Strength Training Algorithm
Dr. Ken’s Points to Consider
Client’s Objectives
Qualitative Fitness Index
Physique Physical
Exercise Modification System
Visual Assessment
Shoulder Range of Motion
Muscle Testing
Exercise Technique
Lateral Dumbbell Raise:Testing for Lateral Deltoid Position
Shoulder Press: Barbell or Dumbbell
Head Position Affecting Strength when doing Dumbbell Shrugs and Laterals
Seated Front Barbell Press
Overtraining Syndrome
Two Step Overstress Removal Process
Postural Hypotension Test
Other Causes of Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain with Barbell Bench Press
Barbell Bench Press T4 Syndrome
Exercise Benches and Machines
Getting in and out of Dumbbell Bench Press
Loading Plates
Chest Dips
Question and Answer