God has always had in His mind and eye a people in absolute ascendancy. You can change the word ascendancy for other words if you like, such as dominion, exaltation, and so on. But ascendancy is a very good word, and I think it will suit our purpose; a people in absolute ascendancy. That thought immediately resolves itself into a key to all the Scriptures. It explains everything that is there. The Bible is not just the record of numerous happenings, the story of many lives, or something about many nations. No; these all centre in one thing, and that is this — a people corresponding to God’s mind in the matter of absolute ascendancy, and what that means spiritually. That is a large enough matter.
(This e-book can be downloaded for free at Austin-Sparks.Net)
(This e-book can be downloaded for free at Austin-Sparks.Net)