Now that you have made your decision to become a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, which is why you have chosen to enroll in a college of that nature. To insure that you have made a wise decision, I have prepared a detailed study guide which will not only help you undertake your journey through the entire program smoothly but also to prepare you for any licensing examination in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture anywhere in the Western world.
In order to benefit from this study guide to the utmost, two things you should do. First of all, the questions are listed under different courses, you should study the questions under each course you are taking to make sure that you have done your homework; in the second place, when you have difficulty in finding answers to the questions, you should take advantage of your class time to ask your instructors for assistance and also discuss those questions with your classmates to benefit from classroom interaction.
100 Foundation of TCM
101 Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostics
102 Chinese Herbology
103 Chinese Acupuncture (1)
105 Chinese Manipulative Therapy
109 Surface Anatomy & Acupuncture Points
110 History of Traditional Chinese Medicine
203 Chinese Acupuncture (2)
204 Chinese Herbal Formulas
212 Techniques of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
300 Chinese Acupuncture (3)
302 Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics (1)
313 Chinese Acupuncture (4)
315 Orthopedics and Traumatic Injuries in TCM
412 Traditional Chinese Medicine (Internal Medicine)
413 Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology
414 Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology and External Diseases
418 Diseases of Five Senses and Children's Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine
420 Traditional Chinese Medicine Food Cures
501 Modern Clinical Research in TCM and Herbal Pharmacology
502 Complimentary Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Modalities
503 Traditional Chinese Medicine Gerontology
504 Traditional Chinese Medicine Psychology and Preventive Medicines
505 Selected Readings from Acupuncture Classics
513 Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics (2)
Answers to and
In order to benefit from this study guide to the utmost, two things you should do. First of all, the questions are listed under different courses, you should study the questions under each course you are taking to make sure that you have done your homework; in the second place, when you have difficulty in finding answers to the questions, you should take advantage of your class time to ask your instructors for assistance and also discuss those questions with your classmates to benefit from classroom interaction.
100 Foundation of TCM
101 Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostics
102 Chinese Herbology
103 Chinese Acupuncture (1)
105 Chinese Manipulative Therapy
109 Surface Anatomy & Acupuncture Points
110 History of Traditional Chinese Medicine
203 Chinese Acupuncture (2)
204 Chinese Herbal Formulas
212 Techniques of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
300 Chinese Acupuncture (3)
302 Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics (1)
313 Chinese Acupuncture (4)
315 Orthopedics and Traumatic Injuries in TCM
412 Traditional Chinese Medicine (Internal Medicine)
413 Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology
414 Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology and External Diseases
418 Diseases of Five Senses and Children's Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine
420 Traditional Chinese Medicine Food Cures
501 Modern Clinical Research in TCM and Herbal Pharmacology
502 Complimentary Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Modalities
503 Traditional Chinese Medicine Gerontology
504 Traditional Chinese Medicine Psychology and Preventive Medicines
505 Selected Readings from Acupuncture Classics
513 Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics (2)
Answers to and