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    Submarine Slide (Dr Gum Book 14) (English Edition)

    Por Bernie Unrau


    An upcoming international nuclear non proliferation meeting in Mexico City is interrupted by an 'incident'. Two of the newest nuclear class subs competing in a simulated game of cat and mouse, flee into the Atlantic, thereby technically not in violation of the Tlatelco Treaty, no nukes in the Caribbean! However disaster strikes in the depths of the Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest point in the Atlantic north of San Juan. A delicate fabricated covert op concealed by a drilling team from Jamaica, JamOil is sent to extract them. Foremost on the minds of the USGS, not to trigger an earthquake and recurrence of a seismic disruption of the walls of the trench, part of the massive tectonic plates. A subtle disturbance could spell disaster to millions in the low lying coastal areas of the Caribbean isles by a tsunami sized wave. Can they retrieve the crew and sub without initiating another submarine slide.
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