As a teenager Eleonora Paauwe goes looking for adventure in South America. At the turn of the millennium she travels through a continent of cute llama bottoms and practically-minded guerrilla fighters. She walks the Inca Trail without straining a muscle and is happy to take a look around the mines of Potosí in South America’s Auschwitz. Finally, she joins the Apollo 11 for a ride around the universe of Brazilian football.
Fifteen years later the girl-turned-adult goes to explore modern-day South America. She is more sensitive to the Potosí mining tragedy and finds out how a guerrilla war turned into a personal struggle. She celebrates the Colombian boom in Bogotá and sweats out her weight in fluids while travelling along the Caribbean coast.
Meanwhile, she finds time to write Sweet smoking Marlboro Film; not at all the worst poem ever written.
Fifteen years later the girl-turned-adult goes to explore modern-day South America. She is more sensitive to the Potosí mining tragedy and finds out how a guerrilla war turned into a personal struggle. She celebrates the Colombian boom in Bogotá and sweats out her weight in fluids while travelling along the Caribbean coast.
Meanwhile, she finds time to write Sweet smoking Marlboro Film; not at all the worst poem ever written.