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    The 10 Day Detox Solution: Eliminate Toxins, Supercharge Your Health and Lose 10 Pounds in the Process! (English Edition)

    Por Kasia Roberts RN


    Discover A 10 Day Detoxification That Will Transform Your Body and Reveal a More Healthy, Beautiful and Energized You

    The connection between your health and the foods you eat (or don’t) is very powerful. By simply changing the way eat for 10 days, you can radically change the way you look and feel. This book will provide the basic groundwork in how to rid your body of junk and toxicity- the grime that keeps you from looking and feeling your best.

    The recommendations in this ten day detox guide focus on these two key areas of detoxification: supporting overall health, and reducing the toxin burden on the body’s detoxification systems. Following this program will not only enable you to feel more energized, help you sleep, completely eliminate your sugar cravings but will also help you loose up to 10 pounds along the way! You’ll look and feel healthier than you have in years!

    Benefits of the 10 Day Detox Include:

    -Weight Loss
    -Mental Clarity
    -Improved Sleep
    -Optimal Blood Glucose Levels
    -Feeling More Energized
    -No More Sugar Cravings
    -Increased Alertness
    -Stronger Immune System
    -Look and Feel Healthier Than You Have In Years!

    The way we live has changed drastically in the past 100 years. A variety of new chemical substances have appeared for use in medicine, farming, construction and other industrial processes. The toxic effects of some of these substances are well understood. Many more are untested and virtually unknown.

    This 10 day detoxification diet outlines a diet plan to combat the effects of these toxins by removing some common sources of toxins from your life and supporting your body’s natural detoxification systems to function at their optimal capacity.

    In This Guide You’ll Discover:

    -How To Prepare for The Detox
    -Complete 10 Day Meal Plan with Delicious Recipes
    -When Is The Best Time To Detox
    -Food to Include and to Avoid as well as Snacks Ideas
    -Lifestyle tips to help you stick to the plan and much more!


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