"A marvelous book that will help any writer or aspiring author." The A to Zen of Writing includes gives a daily motivator to write. It includes inspiring reflections on writing, quotes from famous authors, and challenging brainstorm questions for the reader to answer about themselves and their writing. There are no wrong answers. From author, Kathrin Lake (Writing with Cold Feet).
Combining the inspiration of books like Walking on Alligators with the basic child's alphabet book, The A to Zen of Writing is simple, poetic, and yet as challenging as it is inspiring. A fun, must-have book for any writer.
A is for Authenticity... (Read more)
Combining the inspiration of books like Walking on Alligators with the basic child's alphabet book, The A to Zen of Writing is simple, poetic, and yet as challenging as it is inspiring. A fun, must-have book for any writer.
A is for Authenticity... (Read more)