The chakras are vortexes or whirlpools of consciousness and energy that link the various parts of the human. However, the chakras also have a complete linkage with the physical body, so they are associated with the nerve plexus and major endocrine glands. In this fact are based many Yoga practices that act on plexus and glands, thus stimulating the chakras.
Among other things, the chakras determine the point of human evolution, and act directly on the physical body through the endocrine system. The endocrine system, in turn, controls the seven main areas of the physical body and is responsible for the proper functioning of the whole organism, producing physiological and psychological effects through the release of hormones and other substances injected directly into the bloodstream. The endocrine glands such as the thyroid, adrenal, pancreas or the pituitary gland, are a major system within the body linker; put all parts of the physical body in relation to each other and relate to the person with their energy patterns and current blood, the bringer of life to all body parts.
Among other things, the chakras determine the point of human evolution, and act directly on the physical body through the endocrine system. The endocrine system, in turn, controls the seven main areas of the physical body and is responsible for the proper functioning of the whole organism, producing physiological and psychological effects through the release of hormones and other substances injected directly into the bloodstream. The endocrine glands such as the thyroid, adrenal, pancreas or the pituitary gland, are a major system within the body linker; put all parts of the physical body in relation to each other and relate to the person with their energy patterns and current blood, the bringer of life to all body parts.