?O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo? é um dos cinco livros que constituem o corpo doutrinário do Espiritismo. ?O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo? é o ensino moral do Cristo Jesus para os cristãos de qualquer crença, desenvolvido pelos Espíritos de Luz em comunicações mediúnicas recolhidas, organizadas, comentadas e trazidas a público pelo Codificador Allan Kardec. Se o leitor é cristão, leia com aplicação o ensino moral do Mestre Jesus para a Humanidade sofredora e dê-se conta de conteúdos que talvez nunca antes tenha percebido, ou compreendido plenamente. Se não é cristão, mas um espírito indagador, leia com respeito a orientação desse Espírito divino, dada há dois mil anos e sempre atual, em seu caráter educativo, motivador e consolador.
The Gospel According to Spiritism details and explains a universal moral code of conduct, based upon the essence of the Teachings of Jesus. It is a book to be read by adepts from all religions and by those who profess no specific religion. Confrinted by this Divine code even the incredulous bow down. For Mankind it a rule of conduct that covers all the circumstances of life, the basic principals of social relationaship based on the most rigorous justice and offers a safe route to follow in order to find happiness. Throughout this work, that is full of consolations and promises of hope, there shines the light of an indescridable love: the love of God for all his creatures. It is therefore, a book based on ethics, peace and fraternity directed towards everyone who wishes to understand the message of Jesus in a profound and ample way.
The Gospel According to Spiritism details and explains a universal moral code of conduct, based upon the essence of the Teachings of Jesus. It is a book to be read by adepts from all religions and by those who profess no specific religion. Confrinted by this Divine code even the incredulous bow down. For Mankind it a rule of conduct that covers all the circumstances of life, the basic principals of social relationaship based on the most rigorous justice and offers a safe route to follow in order to find happiness. Throughout this work, that is full of consolations and promises of hope, there shines the light of an indescridable love: the love of God for all his creatures. It is therefore, a book based on ethics, peace and fraternity directed towards everyone who wishes to understand the message of Jesus in a profound and ample way.