Book 1
The Power of Positive Thinking
A Self-Help Guide on How to Overcome Negativity, Adversity, Depression, and Change Your Life
Each one of us has a story we tell ourselves. For decades we have pondered how anxiety, depression, and negativity impact our lives, sometimes with debilitating manifestations.
In The Power of Positive Thinking the author slices through to the very root of our issues. When our brains are hijacked, our minds commandeered by our own internal demons and negative self-talk.
The book takes us through a journey of the self, examining the artificial constructs we’ve put in place to make our lives make sense, so we can justify our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
By applying the techniques presented in the book, we can come closer to realizing our true potential and discovering our true selves. Alleviating effects of negative thoughts, emotions, and behavior to ultimately understand the root causes of our anxieties.
The Power of Positive Thinking is a critical exploration of the mind.
Book 2
Feng Shui
The Feng Shui Art Of Decluttering And Organizing
At some point in life, you may feel that there are those things that keep pulling you back every time there is a need for change and progress.
We always desire to have positive changes in our life and move from one step to another We sometime have hectic situations in our lives but what do we turn to truly make us happy?
With so many options presented to us from material objects, to various philosophies, to new diets but instead, we end up rushing from one thing to another, making ourselves and the planet sick in the process.
We have lost the art of discernment and the ability to know what works best for us. But, indeed here is the solution for all these problems, “FENG SHUI” the art of de-cluttering to help you make positive changes to your life.
This Feng Shui book is written to help you get rid of any obstacle in your life “de-cluttering”, help you gain clarity, clear your blockages and find the real you.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn:
- Reasons we need Feng Shui.
- How to use Feng Shui to remove obstacles in our lives.
- Your Home: reveals the story of your life.
- How Chi paths can change your life.
- And much more.
Book 3
A modern practice with ancient roots to be present every moment
Many people point to a natural need to balance the overwhelming pressures we are experiencing in this day and age. Other individuals point to the explosion of neuroscience over the past decade, showing that we can use our minds to change our brains.
This is incredibly empowering. The practical benefits that millions of people have experienced with mindfulness are hitting a tipping point and help to recalibrate with greater perspective.
Why waste another moment of your life suffering from stress, indecision, or experiencing that foggy feeling that there has got to be more to life?
Instead, start your trek to discovering how sweet, rich and fulfilling life can really be.
Read this book over and over again. Then use it as your reference as you develop your own program of mindfulness.
If our thoughts control our lives, our possibilities are limitless if we gain control of our thoughts.
We have the ability to change our thoughts, which will change our actions, which will change our habits, which will change our character, which will ultimately change our destiny into anything we so choose.
This book will dive into meditation from a different perspective.
New light will be shed on an ancient technique. This book is written solely for your benefit, to assist you in a practice which will prove to be ever so beneficial.
Together we will demystify the misconceptions regarding mindfulness and bring you to a place of self-peace and inner awareness