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    The Lazy Writer’s Guide to Pinterest: Book Marketing Made (Stupidly) Easy Vol.1 (English Edition)

    Por Michael Rogan


    Want to sell more books, make more money, and rule the world (in a nice and ethical way) with "The Lazy Writer's Guide to Pinterest." (Vol. 1 of the "Book Marketing That Doesn't Suck" Series.)

    In this essential book marketing guide for authors, writers, and creative writing misfits the world over we'll cover things like:

    "Chapter One: How to Sell a Crapload of Books on Pinterest" - Here we go over the core mechanics of how to make money selling books on Pinterest. (Easier than you think - and far more effective than other social platforms.)

    "Chapter Two: How to Create a Kick-Ass Pinterest Marketing Plan (in 10 Minutes or Less)" - This is where we go over your plan for total author domination (and figure out how to do it in just minutes a day.)

    "Chapter Three: Building Your Pinterest Empire of Awesomeness" - In this chapter we cover the basics of creating an optimized and thoroughly kick-ass Pinterest footprint (and we'll also go over the biggest mistakes authors make with their Pinterest profile, and how to avoid them.)

    Chapter Four: How to Create Pinboards (for Maximum Profit) - This is when we go over the most important element of your Pinterest marketing campaign - the pinboard. (And we'll lay out a way for you to steal...errr...borrow pinboard ideas from bestselling authors.

    "Chapter Five: Building a Tribe of Obsessed, Irrational and Book-Buying Fans" - Because who doesn't an obsessed cult-like following of would-be readers?

    "Chapter Six: So, What the #*#&$ Do I Pin About?" - Here we go over the ins and outs of creating pins that boost your profile (and most importantly help you sell more books)

    "Chapter Seven: 4 Keys to Pin Publishing Mastery" - So you've created the pin? Now it's time to schedule it and publish it for maximum marketing awesomeness. (I'll also show you a dead-easy tool to put your publishing on auto-pilot.

    "Chapter Eight: Super Advanced Ninja Pinterest Tricks That'll (Really) Make You Money)" - This is the really advanced stuff! These are the super-ninja strategies that grow your Pinterest-based royalties exponetially. (Which I believe means 'super big time!')

    So if you'd like to boost your book royalties by 237% then check out the Lazy Writer's Guide to Pinterest!"
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