The 90s ushered in the world of the personal computer. Seems everyone got one and many learned how to turn them on immediately. Some did not and for those technologically challenged companies began to produce ‘user-friendly’ applications. Soon, hordes of “newbies” as we called them, landed
Leslie Daniels. The Life of a Bob (Kindle Locations 45-48). In the CANADA Forum we had another SYSOP called Bob. He and I would write 'stories' about antics in the forum's rooms, treating them like a virtual world and post them for users enjoyment and involvement. Well Bob was a real life civil servant and went on vacation one summer. While he was away I kept writing about 'happenings' in his 'rooms'. Other members were also featured. All in fun < g >….
The following is a peek inside... thE lifE oF A boB
Leslie Daniels. The Life of a Bob (Kindle Locations 45-48). In the CANADA Forum we had another SYSOP called Bob. He and I would write 'stories' about antics in the forum's rooms, treating them like a virtual world and post them for users enjoyment and involvement. Well Bob was a real life civil servant and went on vacation one summer. While he was away I kept writing about 'happenings' in his 'rooms'. Other members were also featured. All in fun < g >….
The following is a peek inside... thE lifE oF A boB