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    The Lunatic of Trenton (English Edition)

    Por Eugene Williams


    The Lunatic of Trenton (turn of the century), is about an old man telling his two grandchildren how he wanted to change the world, from the battlefields of WWI, to the intellectual’s halls of England with Bernard Shaw to chasing Heir Wilhelm, across the fields of France, as he puts it “bugging around Serbia for the devil in an Austrian Top hat”. Seeking out the wisdom, and danger were ever he could find it, in the intellectual halls of Europe, searching for the meaning of it all, right there when the Russian Revolution began and again on the fields of black birds for the start of WW1A life filled with adventure, an old man with pocket full of poems and a thousand tells that only two small children could enjoy as they take in every word grandpa has to say. Enjoy this trip down memory lane and a nickelodeon adventure with two keystone cops finding our Lunatic naked in a driving Trenton rain hugging a lamp post, without a care in the world, Bullets fly and so do a host of memories.
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