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    The Many Uses Of GET: Learn How To Use and Understand GET (English Grammar – Verbs Book 1) (English Edition)

    Por Jacqueline Melvin


    Are you GETTING exasperated when trying to GET to grips with the verb GET? 
    Is 'GET'  GETTING you down?
     'GET' with its countless meanings, leaves ESL students completely baffled.
    You GET up in the morning and then GET ready to go to work. You GET washed and you GET dressed and then possibly GET breakfast ready for the family.You GET to the bus stop in time to GET on the bus before it drives off. If you GET off the bus at the right stop you may GET to work early or if you GET off at the wrong stop you may GET lost and end up GETTING to work late. You may GET a lot of e-mails during the day and maybe GET phone calls and perhaps if you're too busy you tell whoever phones you that you will GET back to them later when you GET the time. You also GET messages on your mobile phone throughout the day.You eventually GET out of the office  and GET some shopping on the way home. You GET home and GET the dinner ready and then you GET the dishes done and  maybe you GET tired while watching TV after a hard day's work. You think to yourself how wonderful it would be to GET some time to yourself to relax. You GET your pyjamas on and GET into bed and GET to sleep immediately or maybe you GET to sleep after a while. 
    Now can you see the many uses of GET?
    This booklet has been written to clarify how to use this complex tiny word. The author has taken considerable care to include everything you could possibly wish to know such as idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs as well as all its various other meanings. The booklet is solely dedicated to the use of GET.
    Don't GET left behind. GET your copy today and you'll soon GET the hang of GET.
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