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    The Procrastination Cure: How to Stop Being Lazy, Maintain Productivity and Achieve More all the Time (Life Simplified) (English Edition)

    Por Gillian R. Sullivan


    Overcoming Procrastination (How to overcome procrastination and learn to lead a productive life)

    Does procrastinating take over your life when it comes to getting your work done? Is it something that you genuinely need to conquer in order to make sure your life is easier?

    That is a great question; but what is procrastination? To make a long story short, procrastination is the act of putting off an essential task until a later date. During the process of procrastination, often times other non-essential tasks are done in lieu of more important ones. While the actual definition of procrastination might seem fairly simple, the effects are often times not. Let's be honest; we've all encountered the pesky problem that is procrastination at one point or another. It’s one of the easiest bad habits to pick up, and it usually isn’t that big of a deal. Most people that procrastinate just put things off until the last minute, but they still get the job done in the end. That breeds a sense of security, knowing that even if you do end up waiting, you’ll still get it done. However, if left unchecked and to its own devices, what might seem like a minor annoyance or just a bit if free time before tackling a project at first can quickly blossom into something much more serious, even to the point where overcoming your procrastination can actually be one of the biggest challenges you'll have to face; because the dangerous thing about procrastination is the fact that it is highly addictive.

    Find out how to conquer the vice of procrastination once and for all!

    Also, you’ll discover,

    The reason why people procrastinate.
    Quick tips for battling your procrastination habits.
    Self help tips on how to finally rule your life and not give into waiting until the last moment.

    And much more!

    Table of Contents


    In this chapter, you will be introduced to the very definition of what procrastinating truly means. The reader will find out what procrastination is, why people procrastinate in the first place, and the book will even assist you on trying to figure out your own reasoning behind your procrastination. Fear not, the book also delves into the idea of emotions weighing in on procrastination as well.

    Quick Tips for Fighting Procrastination

    Once you start into the actual book, you’ll find out how to figure out your own ways to quickly beat your procrastination down into submission. There are various different ways to handle your procrastination, and it all depends on what type of task you’re procrastinating on doing, whether it be through work, school, or even home activities that need to be finished by a certain time.

    A Ten Step Guide for Handling Tasks without Procrastination

    Say your due date for a certain task is coming up fast and you’re not doing what you need to be doing in order to finish your work. You could force yourself to get your work done, however, for some strange reason you still decide to push aside your important task for something less meaningful and important. Overcoming Procrastination will help you settle down with ten simple steps to finally figure out how to work on your tasks instead of doing something that will only cause more stress in the long run.

    Self-help Tips for Beating Procrastination for the long term

    Certainly beating one task’s procrastination is extremely reliving, however, what happens when you realize that you keep procrastinating on every single project you take on? How do you beat procrastination for the long term effect? Luckily, the reader will be given four extremely important self-help tips that can turn your life around for the better and figure out how to manage their time better when they have more projects and tasks to handle.

    Dealing with Procrastination in the Heat of the Moment

    The vice of procrastination is something that everyone hates dealing with. It’s something
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