About 40 years ago, a great discovery in the lab revealed that substances found in marijuana could kill cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells alone.
Now more than 100 lab, and animal, studies verify these first results, but the United States has yet to fund one human trial on this possible cancer cure.
The regulations of current law have stood in the way of this valuable research. Learn how Richard Nixon, and the 91st Congress created a "Catch-22" or double-blind in U.S. drug law that makes rescheduling Cannabis almost impossible.
This book contains these studies, that demonstrate the extreme possibility that a cure or treatment for cancer could exist in marijuana. Only our government remains uninterested.
Now more than 100 lab, and animal, studies verify these first results, but the United States has yet to fund one human trial on this possible cancer cure.
The regulations of current law have stood in the way of this valuable research. Learn how Richard Nixon, and the 91st Congress created a "Catch-22" or double-blind in U.S. drug law that makes rescheduling Cannabis almost impossible.
This book contains these studies, that demonstrate the extreme possibility that a cure or treatment for cancer could exist in marijuana. Only our government remains uninterested.