There is perhaps no subject of greater importance than the education of children. In the first place wise parents who are desirous of giving the child all advantages, commence BEFORE THE BIRTH, even before conception, to prayerfully turn their thoughts toward the task they are undertaking. They are careful to see that the union which is to bring about the germination takes place under the proper stellar influences, when the moon is passing through a sign which is appropriate to the building of a strong and healthy body, having, of course, their own bodies in the best possible physical, moral, and mental condition. Then during the period of gestation they hold before their mind’s eye constantly the ideal of a strong, useful life for the incoming entity. As soon as possible after birth has taken place they cast the horoscope of the child, FOR THE WISE PARENT IS ALSO AN ASTROLOGER. If the parents have not the ability to cat the horoscope themselves they can at least study the stellar signs, which will enable them to intelligently understand what the astrologer tells them; but under no circumstances will they consult a professional astrologer to help them, one who prostitutes the science for gold, but they will seek the aid of a spiritual astrologer, though they may have to seek for some time. In the child’s natal chart the strength and weakness of its character can be readily seen. The parents will then be in the best position to foster the good and take appropriate means to repress the evil before the tendencies work themselves out into actualities; and thus they may in a large measure help the incoming entity to overcome its faults.
The Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training
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