What do we expect in our relationship to "the testimony of Jesus"? Supposing the deepest purposes of God can only be realised by His hiding from our flesh all that that flesh craves for its life, and - more - supposing His work in us, whereby triumphant faith and obedience reach their highest form, necessitates His concealing Himself and accepting the risk of being considered to have been unfaithful? There is no doubt that most of those who have been called into some of the most vital expressions of "the eternal purpose" have been trained in the school of apparent Divine contradiction, delay, withdrawal, and darkness. Paul wrote to the Thessalonian saints that "no man should be moved by these afflictions for... we are appointed thereunto."
(This e-book can be downloaded for free at Austin-Sparks.Net)
(This e-book can be downloaded for free at Austin-Sparks.Net)