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    The Topline Summary of Chip and Dan Heath’s Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die (Topline Summaries) (English Edition)

    Por Gareth F. Baines


    The Topline Summary in a Sentence is: "To make something sticky and memorable, remember the acronym SUCCESs"

    “What’s good, if brief, is twice as good.” – Baltasar Gracian

    Don't you hate it when you've always wanted to read a book but never able to quite find the time?
    Or do you just want to extract the key ideas of a book without having to spend weeks and months reading through it all?

    Fret not!

    Welcome to Top Line Summaries, brought to you by BrevityBooks Publishing - encapsulating the core concepts, big ideas and best bits from all your favourite business and leadership, personal development and self-help bestselling books.

    In an age where personal time is more limited than ever, our core belief is that ‘being brief is best.’ Whether in business or at home, Topline Summaries will get you on the express road to success!

    Why are some ideas boring and forgettable and others exciting and memorable?

    Made to Stick distills years of research and communication science into an easy-to-remember mnemonic and blueprint for creating ‘sticky ideas’; ideas that get understood, remembered and that change something – minds or behaviours.
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