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    The Ultimate Prepper Collection: Survival Guides For Every Situation (English Edition)

    Por Robert Paine


    Are You and Your Family Ready to Survive the Next Disaster?

    Do you worry what would happen to your family in an emergency?

    If so, then you need The Ultimate Prepper Collection: Survival Guides For Every Situation - now On Sale!

    With this collection you'll get four best-selling guides covering dozens of different aspects of Prepping. With tons of information for beginners all the way to seasoned preppers, this collection cannot be found anywhere else. Save $$ off the price of buying each book individually!

    With The Ultimate Prepper Collection: Survival Guides For Every Situation, you'll get the following:

    Prepping 101: A Beginner's Survival Guide
    This guide will teach you the fundamental rules of basic survival for helping you and your family survive no matter the situation, all in simple terms that even the most novice of beginners can understand and implement.

    In this book you will learn how to:
    - Understand the psychology of thinking like a survivor.
    - Pack an age appropriate Bug Out Bag for each member of your family.
    - Purify water and determine which foods you can dehydrate and store.
    - Build a fire and shelter in a wilderness survival situation.
    - Administer CPR and other common first aid necessities.
    - And much, much more!

    Prepper's Pantry: A Survival Food Guide
    This guide is an excellent resource and foundational book that covers many topics of food preparation. Especially helpful for the seeker and the new-to-prepping, there are also many great ideas for even experienced preppers. This guide will show you how to determine your food needs, no matter how long you will be prepping for, and will discuss various methods of obtaining and storing food stockpiles.

    With the Prepper's Pantry, you'll learn the following:
    - Discover how much is enough when prepping for survival - more or less than you think?
    - Learn which foods store well, which you should avoid and why you shouldn't follow someone else's disaster preparedness plan.
    - Consider commercial versus home prepared food storage techniques and devise your own best strategy.
    - Get to grips with the what, where when and how of food storage basics and self sufficiency.
    - Understand food and water safety and how to cook with stored foods.

    The Nomad Prepper: A Guide to Mobile Survival
    With The Nomad Prepper, you'll learn the following:
    - Discover if mobile survival is the best path for you and your family;
    - Learn which items you should pack for your travels and the things you should avoid bringing with;
    - Decide which tools you will need, depending on your location and how many people you are traveling and surviving with;
    - Come to grips with the what, where, when and how mobile survival and nomad prepping can work for you and your family;
    - Understand food and water safety, self-survival, and how to survive on the road for long periods of time, including how to start a fire, how to hunt and gather food, how to find or construct a shelter, and so much more!

    Prepping with Children: A Family Survival Guide
    In Prepping with Children, you'll learn such important things as:

    - How to Explain the Why and How of prepping to your children.
    - Which survival skills are most important for children to learn.
    - How to build a Bug Out Bag specifically for children.
    - How to make prepping fun and how to get the most out of it.
    - Much, much more!

    Even if a doomsday-like event never comes, your children will someday thank you for teaching them these important life skills and spending quality time with them. From toddler to teen, prepping can be a rewarding family experience.

    So grab The Ultimate Prepper Collection: Survival Guides For Every Situation today and get all 4 best-selling Prepper books and always be prepared!
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