Break through writer's block, tap into your creative muse, and get in the flow with tips and tricks from experts in book writing, genius thinking, the psychology of creativity, and high performance. Featuring:
—Hacks to turn on creativity and flow at will
—Ways to block out distraction so you can write
—Tips to help you get unblocked and start writing again
—How to cultivate Flowmentum™
—High-performance writing tips to sustain creativity, flow, and productivity
—Writing rituals to invoke your muse and bolster your creativity
Write Nonfiction NOW! Guides are edited by the founder of NaNonFiWriMo (National Nonfiction Writing Month) and include tips from bestselling authors, seasoned writing coaches, and those who have successfully taken the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge. Each guide teaches a unique aspect of becoming a successful nonfiction author. These guides inform and motivate authors, businesspeople, and even non-writers to use their purpose and passion to create desirable and publishable products.
Write Nonfiction NOW! & Achieve More Inspired Results.
—Hacks to turn on creativity and flow at will
—Ways to block out distraction so you can write
—Tips to help you get unblocked and start writing again
—How to cultivate Flowmentum™
—High-performance writing tips to sustain creativity, flow, and productivity
—Writing rituals to invoke your muse and bolster your creativity
Write Nonfiction NOW! Guides are edited by the founder of NaNonFiWriMo (National Nonfiction Writing Month) and include tips from bestselling authors, seasoned writing coaches, and those who have successfully taken the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge. Each guide teaches a unique aspect of becoming a successful nonfiction author. These guides inform and motivate authors, businesspeople, and even non-writers to use their purpose and passion to create desirable and publishable products.
Write Nonfiction NOW! & Achieve More Inspired Results.