In this thought provoking follow up to Slones first allegorical masterpiece, The Great Mystery, we are once again reminded to slow down, and be inspired by Life. As part of an ongoing effort to shift our focus to a more interdependent reality, Slone uses this story to remind us of the worlds most powerful, and universal law: The Golden Rule. Through both tragedy and triumph, this creative experience invites the reader to reflect on the path of his or her own life, and consider the unseen ripple effects of our seemingly mundane choices. Together in Paradise remains packed with the same adventure, intrigue, emotion, and wisdom that we have come to expect from this imaginative storyteller. So, is Heaven really some vaguely understood, and distant spiritual realm... or are we there already, on a global quest for the rediscovery of this perfect, and ancient truth? Read Slones books for yourself, and decide.As a social worker, the author will use proceeds of this book to promote social justice in the world.
Together in paradise
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