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    Top 50 Unix Interview Questions and Answers (English Edition)

    Por Knowledge Powerhouse


    Introduction: Unix Tricky Interview Questions

    This book contains top 50 Unix interview questions that are asked in a technical interview. The focus is on commands and concepts inside Unix. It is an important topic for a software developer to know about Unix.

    It is a compilation of advanced Unix interview questions after attending dozens of technical interviews in top-notch companies like- Oracle, Google, Ebay, Amazon etc. Each question is accompanied with an answer so that you can prepare for job interview in short time.

    Often, these questions and concepts are used in our daily programming work. But these are most helpful when an Interviewer is trying to test your deep knowledge of Unix concepts.

    How will this book help me?

    By reading this book, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Unix interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Unix Interview questions.

    Are there answers in this book?

    Yes, in this book each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.

    What is the best way of reading this book?

    You have to first do a slow reading of all the questions in this book. Once you go through them in the first pass, mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this book 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview for Software Engineer position in Unix.

    What is the level of questions in this book?

    This book contains questions that are good for a Associate Software engineer to a Principal Software engineer. The difficulty level of question varies in the book from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.

    What are the sample questions in this book?

    • How will you remove all files in current directory? Including the files that are two levels down in a sub-directory.

    • What is the difference between the –v and –x options in Bash shell scripts?

    • What is a Filter in Unix command?

    • What is Kernel in Unix operating system?

    • What is a Shell in Unix OS?

    • What are the different shells in Unix that you know about?

    • What is the first character of the output in ls –l command ?

    • What is the difference between Multi-tasking and Multi-user environment?

    • What is an Inode in Unix?

    • What is the difference between absolute path and relative path in Unix file system?

    • What are the main responsibilities of a Unix Shell?

    • What is a Shell variable?

    • What are the important Shell variables that are initialized on starting a Shell?

    • How will you set the value of Environment variables in Unix?

    • What is the difference between a System Call and a library function?

    • What are the networking commands in Unix that you have used?

    • What is a Pipeline in Unix?

    • What is Bash shell?

    • How will you search for a name in Unix files?

    • What are the popular options of grep command in Unix?

    • What is the difference between whoami and who am i commands in Unix?

    • What is a Superuser in Unix?

    • How will you find which process is taking most CPU time in Unix?

    • What is the difference between Soft link and Hard link in Unix?

    • How will you find which processes are using a file?

    • What is the purpose of nohup in Unix?

    • How will you remove blank lines from a file in Unix?

    • How will you find the remote hosts that are connecting to your system on a specific port in Unix?

    • What is xargs in Unix?


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