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    Traffic Boost your web site (English Edition)

    Por Alex Chris


    Let me show you how I managed to create a new website in a very competitive niche that receives more than 150,000 visitors per month in less than a year.

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    My name is Alex and I am working online for more than 10 years. During this period I had to learn the hard way (by trial and error) how to create a web site that gets more than 5000 visits per day (3000+ visits are from Google). Fortunately you do not have to go this path. The objective of this book is to explain everything you need to know about creating a successful web site or blog.

    Unlike other books or products, I won’t bother you with theories, imaginary web sites or fake scenarios but will show you REAL case studies, REAL examples from REAL web sites I have created over the years that generate both traffic and money.

    Who is this book for?

    •People (bloggers, authors, small business owners, developers and anyone with an online presence) who already have a web site, blog or ecommerce store but do not get any traffic or customers and don’t know what they are doing wrong
    •People who do not have a web site or blog but want to start working online either to satisfy their hobby, blogging talent or business needs
    •People who are beginners to SEO and want to understand how to optimize their web properties for search engines
    •People who need to explore Internet Marketing opportunities and find many other sources of traffic besides Google and Facebook
    •Bloggers who need to build their online presence and make money from their web sites
    •Experienced Internet Marketers who want to explore new opportunities and experiences
    •Anyone who is sick of the 9 to 5 and looking for alternative ways to make a good living

    What you will learn and what to expect?

    •How I managed to create a new website in a very competitive niche that receives more than 150,000 visitors per month in less than a year.
    •What is SEO and why it is so important
    •How to optimize your web property for search engines and users and get more search engine traffic and happier users
    •How to find out what to write about and how often should you publish new content
    •How to become an expert in your niche (even if you are not)
    •How to promote your blog posts and web site so that they get the attention they deserve
    •How to manage your web site by using webmaster tools and traffic reports
    •How to get visitors to your web site from other sources besides search engines, Facebook and Twitter
    •Where to get help and solutions to your problems when you really need them

    What to expect:

    •You can expect REAL examples from REAL web sites that demonstrate all the above learning objectives
    •A step-by-step approach that takes you from the beginning of having a fresh web site until the point is already established and gaining traffic
    •Personal support. Buying and reading this book is not the end of our co-operation. There are many options available to use so as to help you achieve your Internet goals.
    •Frequent updates. This is not a static book as the Internet is not a static environment to work. You can expect frequent updates to keep you informed of recent changes and anything you need to know to stay up-to-date with Internet Marketing.

    Why buy this book?

    You should buy this book because:

    •It is real. Everything I explain is from REAL examples
    •It works. I have tested my method on many web sites over the years and it works (and I show you how).
    •It is safe. All my recommendations are based on white-hat practices so there is no risk
    •It’s not too good to be true. I am not promising results with no work but I’m promising great results with a lot of work.
    •It’s for you. I have been in your shoes for many years, I know what you are doing wrong and I am here to give you answers.
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