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    Treinamento Executivo – Emprego e Sucesso Profissional

    Por Leandro Martins
    Existem 12 citações disponíveis para Treinamento Executivo – Emprego e Sucesso Profissional


    Se para alguma destas perguntas sua resposta for negativa, este livro é para você. Nele, o autor revela o caminho das pedras para quem deseja ter sucesso profissional e conseguir uma posição de destaque no mercado de trabalho. Entre os assuntos abordados estão: * O que o mercado espera de você. * Transformando-se em vencedor. * Como quebrar barreiras profissionais. * O que colocar e o que omitir em um currículo. * As melhores alternativas ao emprego formal. * Como enfrentar as dinâmicas de grupo. * As profissões que terão destaque no futuro. * Áreas que oferecem boas oportunidades. * Como se preparar para concursos públicos. * Como se preparar para uma entrevista. * Cuidados com as empresas de recolocação. E muito mais...
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    Citações de Treinamento Executivo – Emprego e Sucesso Profissional

    Most precontemplators don’t want to change themselves, just the people around them.

    Action followed by relapse is far better than no action at all. People who take action and fail in the next month are twice as likely to succeed over the next six months than those who don’t take any action at all.

    People who eternally substitute thinking for action can be called chronic contemplators. When contemplators begin the transition to the preparation stage, their thinking is clearly marked by two changes. First, they begin to focus on the solution rather than the problem. Then they begin to think more about the future than the past. The end of the contemplation stage is a time of anticipation, activity, anxiety, and excitement.

    You can make better use of this time by planning carefully, developing a firm, detailed scheme for action, and making sure that you have learned the change processes you need to carry you through to maintenance and termination.

    Any activity that you initiate to help modify your thinking, feeling, or behavior is a change process.

    As behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner once remarked, one thing wrong with the Western world is that we too often help those who can help themselves.

    Contemplators want to change, but this desire exists simultaneously with an unwitting resistance to it. This ambivalence is understandable, since action brings with it a terrifying, even paralyzing fear of failure. Add to this the anxiety that contemplators feel about sacrificing the life with which they are familiar, and the fear of meeting the “new self” created by change, and you can easily see why so many contemplators become stuck. They prefer a familiar self to one that is better, thus postponing anxiety and avoiding failure.

    Was there, I wondered, a way to combine the profound insights of psychoanalysis, the powerful techniques of behaviorism, the experiential methods of cognitive therapies, the liberating philosophy of existential analysis, and the humane relationships of humanism?

    A very important strategy in strengthening your commitment involves interpersonal relationships, which bring meaning and context to all our behavior. Most satisfying lives include satisfying relationships, and many people see family and friends as a primary source of gratification in life. Emerging research shows that helping relationships can serve as a buffer against future distress episodes by diminishing the severity of the harsh realities of the world and their negative impact. This buffer is one hypothesis for the repeated finding that married people live longer and more happily than single people.

    Furthermore, any movement from one stage of change to the next represents considerable progress. If, after years of avoiding a problem, you consciously begin to acknowledge it exists, and think seriously about changing it, the transition from precontemplation to contemplation is no less significant than from preparation to action.

    Furthermore, no therapy is any more successful than the change strategies that determined, persistent, and hardworking individuals develop for themselves.

    For every complex problem there is an easy answer, and it is wrong. —H. L. MENCKEN

    eBooks por Leandro Martins

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