Truth or Fiction is the sequel to Stranger Than Fiction and follows the progress of newly-made shifter, Tori Monroe as she learns that her parents have kept a life altering secret from her throughout her life: Mom isn't just a well-respected artist but a shifter living outside her community.
Helping Tori deal with this revelation is Janice, one of her new friends, a coyote shifter, and someone Tori feels she could have a relationship with. A relationship has been the last thing on Tori's mind for years and this type of relationship never occurred to her. Will Tori ever be able to move back to her cabin retreat? Will her parents finally tell her their entire truth or will they keep spinning fiction for her?
Helping Tori deal with this revelation is Janice, one of her new friends, a coyote shifter, and someone Tori feels she could have a relationship with. A relationship has been the last thing on Tori's mind for years and this type of relationship never occurred to her. Will Tori ever be able to move back to her cabin retreat? Will her parents finally tell her their entire truth or will they keep spinning fiction for her?