Have you ever experienced the joy of running a cash register for eight hours a day? If you're questioning the use of the word 'joy,' then you probably have. Everyone can agree that the best part of the work day is punching out, but these comics are a snapshot of all the other things retail workers get to 'enjoy.'
If you've ever wondered if the customers you interact with on a daily basis are actually real people or if it’s all an elaborate prank, you are not alone. This book is perfect for everyone who has worked in retail and now truly understands the meaning of "just when you thought you'd seen it all..."
If you've ever wondered if the customers you interact with on a daily basis are actually real people or if it’s all an elaborate prank, you are not alone. This book is perfect for everyone who has worked in retail and now truly understands the meaning of "just when you thought you'd seen it all..."