Any project which involves an EPC contract is also likely to involve a number of other complicated contracts. The challenge of the parties to an EPC contract is not to try to eliminate risk but rather put into place a narrative structure that enables the parties to predict the contractual result that would obtain if a risk materializes. If the EPC contract does not allow the parties to determine the consequences of an unanticipated situation, they will have to look to an expert, mediator, tribunal, or court to impart guidance or pass judgment.
The sample forms of contract contained in Volume 2 of Understanding and Negotiating EPC Contracts are intended to serve as a guide to demonstrate how risks and responsibilities can be allocated among project sponsors, EPC contractors and the various other parties that may be involved in a project.
Collectively the sample forms in this volume offer an extraordinary resource that provides the benefit of lessons learned and priceless insight into any project being undertaken which can help assure the resilience of any EPC project.