This romantic tale begins where "To Have His Cake (and Eat It Too)", the amorous, provocative, and entertaining adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, finished.
Having overcome the many seeming obstacles to marrying Miss Elizabeth Bennet, his former employee and the woman of his dreams, Fitzwilliam Darcy must now reaffirm his promise to be a man truly worthy of her affections.
Confronted, out of the blue, with the intimate knowledge of her husband’s rakish past, Elizabeth too is obliged to reconsider long held tenets that otherwise threaten to tear them apart.
If you enjoyed "To Have His Cake (and Eat It Too)", you will take pleasure in reading of what happens after the honeymoon is over.
Intended for Mature Audiences.
What He Would Not Do: Mr. Darcy's Tale Continues ~ A Regency historical fiction adaptation of Jane Austen's timeless classic Pride and Prejudice.
Having overcome the many seeming obstacles to marrying Miss Elizabeth Bennet, his former employee and the woman of his dreams, Fitzwilliam Darcy must now reaffirm his promise to be a man truly worthy of her affections.
Confronted, out of the blue, with the intimate knowledge of her husband’s rakish past, Elizabeth too is obliged to reconsider long held tenets that otherwise threaten to tear them apart.
If you enjoyed "To Have His Cake (and Eat It Too)", you will take pleasure in reading of what happens after the honeymoon is over.
Intended for Mature Audiences.
What He Would Not Do: Mr. Darcy's Tale Continues ~ A Regency historical fiction adaptation of Jane Austen's timeless classic Pride and Prejudice.