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    Write A Book Now: Steps For Overcoming Your Fear of Writing! (English Edition)

    Por Stefanie Newell


    Do you have a desire to write a book but a fear of writing has prevented you from beginning your manuscript? Have you found yourself doubting your writing ability and thinking what if I’m not good enough? Who am I to write a book? Will I be able to come up with enough content? What if my outline isn’t good or my research isn’t sufficient? What if people judge me? Or worse yet, tell me my writing sucks?

    Write A Book Now! Steps For Overcoming Your Fear of Writing provides actionable steps to help you to move past your fear of writing and actually get started writing the book you’ve always dreamed of publishing. In this workbook style book, we will address the root cause of your fear and address the obstacles that have previously stopped you from writing.

    You’ll learn:

    - How to address what’s at the root of your fear
    - How to determine your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to writing
    - How to become a good writer who’s confident
    - How to overcome any obstacles that are preventing you from writing (e.g. time, education, experience)
    - How to use the fear of writing to your advantage
    - What you need to understand about writing and the publishing industry to succeed
    - Actionable steps to help you move past the fear of writing
    - Writing tips to get you motivated to write your first book

    This book is designed to get people who want to write, but don’t, to start writing and ultimately to get published! Learn insights, strategies and techniques for overcoming your fear of writing so that you’ll finally be able to call yourself a published author!

    Download your copy now and learn the method that’s helping aspiring writers just like YOU to finally stop talking about the book they want to write and actually get started WRITING!
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