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    Your Introverted Power: An Introverts Guide to Leveraging Your Quiet Internal Power and Strengths to Succeed in an Extrovert Dominated World (English Edition)

    Por Chuck Rikard


    Your Introverted Power

    ”How amazing to realize that it is ok to be by myself and not in social situations I don't enjoy.
    This book has given me a much needed insight into what it is to be an introvert - thank you so much!” – Ollivander

    ”This is a great guide to getting the most out of your introverted characteristics.” – Dip Falcon

    Do you feel alone in a crowd?

    Perhaps you prefer a quiet corner to read or contemplate ideas over being in the glare of publicity.

    Do phones, parties, or work meetings overwhelm you?

    If any of this sounds familiar, you are probably an introvert.

    What if I told you that introversion has nothing to do with being shy or timid? Would you believe it?
    I hope so, because it’s true. Being introverted - or extroverted for arguments sake - is all about how
    you process information and where you get your energy.

    One is no more a character flaw or handicap than the other.

    Your Introverted Power is a great new book for getting you from where you are to a place
    where you will be able to be true to yourself and let your introverted power shine through!

    You will be validated, vindicated, and enlightened so you will be set-free to become the best
    possible version of who you were meant to be.

    You will find useful "how to" information covering everything from dating and networking to
    parties and public speaking - all the stuff in life that introverts typically have difficulty with.

    Your Introverted Power is the key to finding work you love and a life that matters!
    It is fair to say everybody has some key characteristics of introversion and extroversion.
    However, there is usually one side that is more dominant, which is what shapes who a person
    is in life. Knowing what makes you tic can help you make decisions and handle situations
    without conflicting with your inner personality. You don’t have to force yourself into
    uncomfortable settings to prove you are a valuable member of society. You have plenty of
    strengths that will help make a difference and I will show you how to find and leverage them to
    your ultimate advantage!

    Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
    • The Differences Between Introversion and Extroversion
    • Your Introverted Strengths
    • How to Celebrate Your Introversion
    • Socialization for Introverts
    • Tips for Surviving Networking Events, Public Speaking, Parties, and Dating
    • Using Introversion to Your Advantage
    • The Courage to be Alone
    • Managing Self-Doubt
    • And much, much more!

    You’ve no doubt noticed that society has made a drastic shift from valuing the person you are
    to who you portray. It’s no secret that individuals are frequently rewarded for personality over
    merit and the vocally dominant tend to win out over those who are, perhaps, more well-informed.
    Throughout this book I will give you many tips and tricks for making your introvert personality a
    blessing instead of a curse. Packed with useful information and strategies, you will discover how
    to use your inner power to create the success you desire.

    Buy this book now to begin discovering your quiet internal power and strengths so you can
    leverage them for your success in an extrovert dominated world.

    Don’t forget your FREE GIFT with ebook download! Just my way of saying “thanks.”
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