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    Eye Floaters and Flashes: Causes and Treatments (English Edition)

    Por Manik Joshi



    This Book Covers The Following Topics:

    01. What are Eye Floaters?
    02. Vitreous Humor
    03. Eye Floaters: Causes
    04. Three Special Conditions
    05. Measurement of Visual Acuity
    06. Eye Floaters: Treatments
    07. Treatment -- (A). Diet
    08. Treatment -- (B). Eye Exercises
    09. Treatment -- (C). Vitamins
    10. Treatment -- (D). Minerals
    11. Treatment -- (E). Supplements
    12. Treatment -- (F). Control Your BP
    13. Treatment -- (G). Control Your Sugar
    14. Treatment -- (H). Proper Hydration
    15. Treatment -- (I). What to Avoid?
    16. Treatment -- (J). Other Remedies
    17. Treatment -- (K). Surgery
    18. Eye Floaters: A True Case
    19. Best Eye Hospitals
    20. Useful Facts
    21. References

    Sample This:

    01. What are Eye Floaters?

    Eye Floaters are oddly shaped translucent tiny bundles or clumps of gel, "floating" within the eye’s vitreous humor, that appear in your field of vision.
    Eye floaters are also known as vitreous floaters or eye spots.
    Eye floaters are called muscae volitantes (“flying flies”) in Latin.
    Eye floaters may be present in only one eye or both eyes.

    Some basic facts about Eye Floaters:--
    People use the term eye floaters to describe seeing floating spots within their vision when they look around.[1] Floaters seem to be on the front of the eye, when in fact they are actually floating inside the eye. They are not imaginary and can be viewed by an ophthalmologist using specialist equipment.[2] In other words, floaters are not optical illusions. They are something your eyes actually perceive.
    Floaters are a common occurrence.
    Floaters can appear periodically or they can have a constant presence.
    People often notice floaters when looking up at a clear blue sky or at a blank or light-colored (white. light pink, etc.) wall or paper. Floaters are very noticeable in bright blue sky because pupils contract to a very small size, reducing the aperture, which, in turn, makes floaters more apparent and focused. Floaters, usually, appear to drift with your eye movement.
    Floaters can appear in one eye or both but with one eye having more floaters than the other.
    Different floaters may have different movements.
    Eye floaters are rarely a symptom of a more serious condition that could cause complete vision loss.
    While some floaters may remain in your vision indefinitely, many of them fade over time (in weeks or months).
    Eye floaters may shift in position within the eye, resulting in less of a shadow effect.
    The human brain tends to adapt to and become used to the presence of eye floaters.
    Floaters may be annoying or distracting. Anxiety about the symptom of floaters can make the floaters more noticeable.

    Eye Floaters and Their Shapes [3] [4]
    Eye Floaters are of varying shapes. Some common shapes are as follows:
    Amoeba Shape / Blobs / Bubbles / Circles / Clouds / Cobwebs / Dots / Flecks / Gray Clouds / Lines / ‘O’ Shapes / Strands / Specks / Spots / Strings / Threads
    They can also appear in the form of dust or tiny insects.

    Eye Floaters and Their Sizes
    They are of varying sizes. They may be -
    Tiny / Small / Medium / Large / Narrow or Thick / Long or Short

    Eye Floaters and Their Color
    Floaters are generally black in color, but they can be grey or white.

    Eye Floaters and Age factor
    Children: Floaters, usually, don’t appear in children.
    Exception: In rare cases, some of the blood vessels and cells present in the vitreous may remain after birth. These may cause mild floaters. These may or may not go away as the child ages.
    Youth: Floaters can appear in youth.
    Adult: Floaters are not uncommon for people who are in their thirties (30-39).
    Old people: Floaters mostly appear in people who are over the age of 50.

    Only an ophthalmologist or a retina expert can determine whether or not the eye floaters represent a serious eye problem.
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